Welcome to 30secsofbanyaro!

!! FUB FREE !!

This account was inspired by the many other '30secsof' accounts on twitter! What you'll see here is mostly 30+ seconds of your favorite Banyaro songs! Since this account is relatively new, suggestions are welcomed on how to improve this account.

As well, you're free to send in requests! Just send in a DM with the band name + song of your choice. Make sure to check the list to see if the song you want hasn't been uploaded or requested by someone else.

You're free to ask any questions about the game or songs if you'd like. Response will take a bit though, keep that in mind.

Enjoy the account and Thank you for everything!


Each song provided here is either recorded OR bought off of iTunes. If I don't have the song myself, I will try my best to search for a recording of it and provide the source of where I got it. If I do have the song in full version, I'll upload only the first 1:40 of it.

Any images you see here are from official sources as well! None of the images used are from fanart. The cover images that are used for the songs are stretched out and are from official sources. If you'd like a quality version of a song cover art (??) feel free to message the account and I'll give you a link so you can download it!


If you want to search for a specific band!

+ Go into the search bar and type: 'From:30secsofbanyaro [BAND]' , of course you remove the [BAND] part and type in the name. You can also type in the name of a song!

+ OSIRIS 'Into the Madness' is under 'Voice' due to my mistake. It'll be re-uploaded soon though.

+ CureCureTron is under 'Cure²tron'
